Thursday, February 28, 2019

Unconventional Hauling Information Hub

     The following serves as a table of contents for first iteration of the unconventional hauling guide. This guide starts with an introduction covering the basic concepts and a walk through. The introduction covers how to safely haul and assemble 10 tech 1 pvp frigates and all the fittings in a single trip anywhere in low sec using only a destroyer. After that there is a breakdown of various compression options followed by a conclusion and summary. The summary explains how to haul more compressed t1 frigates inside the covert ops capable prospect than any max cargo jump freighter can carry in already built hulls. A too long did not read version is also available.

The universal frigate pack 
Closing and Summary

While that's all for this guide at this time what follows are some elements I've considered adding to future versions of this guide.

-Destroyer compression
-Alpha Hauling
-Fitting compression
-Detailed low sec hauling tactics
-Cruiser compression

Frigate Compression TLDR Version

    If you have the materials under a faction icon you can use them to build any of that faction's T1 frigates at any standard station with refining and industry. You will only need refining 3 trained, if you do not have it buy an extra set of materials for every 10 frigates you want to build. The universal pack will let you build any faction's T1 frigates.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Unconventional Hauling - A Closing Summary


    It's difficult to find many arguments in favor of unconventional hauling techniques quite as strong as this simple comparison. With compressed parts even the lowly prospect can deliver more hulls to any location in low sec than a perfectly skilled and max cargo fit jump freighter.

    It can do this while fitting a strong tank as well, when fit for max cargo the prospect pushes well beyond 150% a jump freighter's capacity. It does this with all the safety of a blockade runner while costing far less and taking much less time to train.

    This is achieved by storing compressed ore in the prospect's 10,000m3 ore hold while keeping the blueprint copies and high end minerals inside it's cargo bay. A simple but unconventional option and that's where this guide will leave you all for now. With a friendly reminder that in Eve Online a little ingenuity and creative thinking can let a humble frigate outperform conventional options that cost hundreds of times more.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

The Minmatar Frigate Pack

The Minmatar frigate pack follows the trend of being similar to the previous frigate packs and is likewise based solely on the industrial requirements of the Minmatar ships. Like the universal and other racial packs the needs are dictated by the ships with the highest mineral requirements in each category. In this case the four following ships the Breacher, Burst, Rifter, and Vigil. The Minmatar lineup is noteworthy in having some of the highest mineral requirements and is similar in size to the universal pack.

Tritanium 22778 - Rifter
Pyerite 15000 - Breacher
Mexallon 4444 - Burst
Isogen 356 - Rifter
Nocxium 133 - Rifter
Zydrine 34 - Rifter
Megacyte 8 - Vigil

    The high end minerals for this set only takes up 1.7 meters cubed so once again we will not be compressing these minerals. As before this guide assumes the basic train of reprocessing 3 and no other skills giving you a 54.5% refine rate at basic stations.

    The Minmatar frigate pack uses the same compressed ores as the universal one, however the quantities are slightly different. The compressed ores take up 29.7 m3 which when added to the high ends gives a total of 31.4 m3 which is slightly more efficient than using the universal pack. The Minmater frigate pack uses the following components.

5 compressed kernite
65 compressed plagioclase
100 compressed scordite.
133 nocxium
34 zydrine
8 megacyte

    As always there are options for saving isk at the expense of space by purchasing the mid range minerals and only compressing the low ends. This can be achieved using 160 units of compressed scordite and purchasing all minerals aside from tritanium and pyerite. As before this specialized frigate pack is more space and cost effective than it's universal one, taking up only 80.2 m3.

    That's all for the Minmatar frigate pack.

Friday, February 8, 2019

The Gallente Frigate Pack

    The Gallente frigate pack follows the trend of being similar to the previous frigate packs and is likewise based solely on the industrial requirements of the Gallente ships. Like the universal and other racial packs the needs are dictated by the ships with the highest mineral requirements in each category. In this case the four following ships the Imicus, Incursus, Maulus, and Tristan.

Tritanium 23333 - Tristan
Pyerite 13333 - Maulus
Mexallon 4000 - Incursus
Isogen 333 - Tristan
Nocxium 78 - Tristan
Zydrine 44 - Imicus
Megacyte 4 - Imicus

    The high end minerals for this set only takes up 1.3 meters cubed so once again we will not be compressing these minerals. As before this guide assumes the basic train of reprocessing 3 and no other skills giving you a 54.5% refine rate at basic stations.

    The Gallente frigate pack uses the same compressed ores as the universal one, however the quantities are slightly different. The compressed ores take up 29.6 m3 which when added to the high ends gives a total of 30.9 m3 which is slightly more efficient than using the universal pack. The Gallente frigate pack uses the following components.

5 compressed kernite
58 compressed plagioclase
105 compressed scordite.
78 nocxium
44 zydrine
4 megacyte

    As always there are options for saving isk at the expense of space by purchasing the mid range minerals and only compressing the low ends. This can be achieved using 145 units of compressed scordite and purchasing all minerals aside from tritanium and pyerite. As before this specialized frigate pack is more space and cost effective than it's universal one, taking up only 72.1 m3.

    That's all for the Gallente frigate pack, we will be finishing up with the last of Eve Online's main factions the Minmatar.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

The Caldari Frigate Pack

Next up is the Caldari frigate pack which is similar to the previous frigate packs but is based solely on the industrial requirements of the Caldari ships. Like the universal and other racial packs the needs are dictated by the ships with the highest mineral requirements in each category. In this case the five following ships the Bantam, Griffin, Heron, Kestrel and Merlin.

Tritanium 22222 - Bantam
Pyerite 12778 - Griffin
Mexallon 3111 - Merlin
Isogen 1111 - Kestrel
Nocxium 56 - Kestrel
Zydrine 22 - Griffin
Megacyte 8 - Heron

    The high end minerals for the Caldari set only takes up .9 meters cubed so once again we will not be compressing these minerals. As before this guide assumes the basic train of reprocessing 3 and no other skills giving you a 54.5% refine rate at basic stations.

    The Caldari frigate pack uses the same compressed ores as the universal one, however the quantities are slightly different. The compressed ores take up 27.9 m3 which when added to the high ends gives a total of 28.8 m3 which is slightly more efficient than using the universal pack. The Caldari frigate pack uses the following components.

16 compressed kernite
14 compressed plagioclase
120 compressed scordite.
56 nocxium
22 zydrine
8 megacyte

    As before there are options for saving isk at the expense of space by purchasing the mid range minerals and only compressing the low ends. This can be achieved using 140 units of compressed scordite and purchasing all minerals aside from tritanium and pyerite. As before this specialized frigate pack is more space and cost effective than it's universal one, taking up only 69.7 m3.

    That's all for the Caldari frigate pack, up next will be more specialized mineral packs for the rest of Eve Online's main factions.