Thursday, January 31, 2019

The Amarr Frigate Pack

    The Amarr frigate pack is similar to the universal frigate pack but is based solely on the industrial requirements of the Amarrian ships. Like the universal pack the needs are dictated by the ships with the highest mineral requirements in each category. In this case the four following ships the Punisher, Inquisitor, Crucifier and Tormentor.

Tritanium 22778 - Punisher
Pyerite 12222 - Inquisitor
Mexallon 4444 - Tormentor
Isogen 400 - Punisher
Nocxium 89 - Punisher
Zydrine 34 - Punisher
Megacyte 12 - Crucifier

    The high end minerals for the Amarr set only takes up 1.4 meters cubed so once again we will not be compressing these minerals. As before this guide assumes the basic train of reprocessing 3 and no other skills giving you a 54.5% refine rate at basic stations.

    The Amarr frigate pack uses the same compressed ores as the universal one, however the quantities are slightly different. The compressed ores take up 29.4 m3 which when added to the high ends gives a total of 30.8 m3 which is slightly more efficient than using the universal pack. The Amarr frigate pack uses the following components.

6 compressed kernite
62 compressed plagioclase
100 compressed scordite.
89 nocxium
34 zydrine
12 megacyte

    As before there are options for saving isk at the expense of space by purchasing the mid range minerals and only compressing the low ends. This can be achieved using 130 units of compressed scordite and purchasing all minerals aside from tritanium and pyerite. As before this specialized frigate pack is more space and cost effective than it's universal one, taking up only 74.5 m3.

    That's all for the Amarr frigate pack, up next will be more specialized mineral packs for each of Eve Online's main factions.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

The enthusiastic vet

     I've been neglecting this blog and finishing other out of game projects primarily out of an interest in spending my free time playing the game. It seems like an odd position to be in for an eve online player. The game is notorious for the proverbial hordes of disgruntled long time players often referenced as having "bitter vet syndrome" and some former players refer to quitting the game for good as having "won eve".

     So I'm in the odd position of neglecting the out of game material and community for an interest in doing things within the game because I still find it fun. I'd like to finish the universal frigate pack and other out of game projects but at the same time I have fleets to run and fits to test. So lets wrap up the procrastination with a screenshot from the past, the original project discovery interface.