Friday, September 21, 2018

Just wandering around

     It's hard for me to sit down and write when most evenings I'd rather be wandering around in whatever space ship fits my mood. All the same perhaps a summary of what I did the last evening is a suitable way to convey something.

     It wasn't much of busy day for me or even particularly noteworthy in my eyes but there is one interesting detail at the end. The day started off with a little bit of low sec pvp followed by my attempts to teach at least one of the unfortunate victims about the directional scanner. I wandered around a bit more, poking about a fleet of serious business types whom had their hunt ruined by my meddling. After that I messed about with fits for a while and then put together a new toy to run about testing until I was ready to log off for the evening.

     What about that interesting detail? Well while most folks stay close to their home system, a few jumps down their wormhole chain, or within jump range of their capitals, my wandering had carried me through more than a dozen regions. I didn't finish where I started and the day was virtually without planning.

     Recollecting on such a simple day it strikes me that a nomadic play style in EVE isn't something I aspire to achieve, it's just a thing I happen to do and enjoy. The problem now is how to communicate to others such an unintentional passion, to entice others to step away from the grinds and daily motions.

Wrapping things up with a corax screenshot here, while the talwar still seems to be more popular I've always been fond of this thing, one even took part in the previous days action.

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