Sunday, September 16, 2018

Play styles in EVE and taking the sandbox too literally

     Eve online is often described as a sandbox mmo, it's accurate but many players tend to approach this perspective almost literally. A focus on larger battles by the games developers has promoted a lot of play styles focused around the figurative idea of building and kicking over 'sandcastles' in the 'sandbox'.

     The 'sandbox' is supposed to be a metaphor, EVE online is a vast universe with high degree of ship customization and deep mechanics. There's a lot more to do in the game universe beyond trying to stake a claim on any particular place, or trying to build up the biggest baddest fleet. Some players try to build up massive personal fortunes or other kinds of networks, even if it isn't the most promoted thing about the game players can still choose to do almost anything they wish.

     You don't even have to play the game with physical goals in mind at all, a play style doesn't have to be about control, power, or wealth. What makes EVE online so engaging for many players are the experiences and stories they have from doing things in this vast universe. I don't think trying to constantly measuring up against other player's 'sandcastles' is a particularly good way of making your own stories in EVE.

     This is why I've never particularly cared about how much isk I have, where I fly, or even what I happen to be doing at any particular time. When you're out to tell your own stories it's less about any particular goal or statistic and more about undocking to do something.. anything. Chasing after the big goals can blind players to all the life and adventure that surrounds them in the game universe. I don't think every one plays the game like that though, there's too much going on in them game for that to be the case.

     While they aren't the most marketable stories around I think that the countless little stories are what makes EVE such an interesting game. CCP does such players a major disservice by trying to tie their stories into grand narratives and giant space ship battles because those aren't our stories. For players like me the wanders, tinkers, and nomads of New Eden the day we inadvertently set in motion the downfall of some empire may be nothing more than a meaningless footnote in our adventures.

Wrapping things up tonight is a nifty screen shot of a tormentor exchanging energy weapons fire from back when my nebulae still displayed properly.

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